Boarded Fire Protection Systems / Intumescent Board Fire Protection Systems

Boarded Fire Protection Systems / Intumescent Board Fire Protection Systems

Boarded fire protection systems are one of the most widely used and trusted ways of protecting a building’s structural integrity in the case of fire.
We specialise in installing boarded systems while buildings are under construction, helping contractors meet fire safety standards. Our systems offer industry-leading performance and can save a steel structure from fire damage.
What are boarded fire protection systems?
Boarded fire protection systems are boards that protect the steel structure of a building, preserving its structural integrity.
We engineer the system while the building is still under construction, so the boards are all in place and ready for the next stages of building work. However, in some cases, they can also be retrofitted, helping to make existing buildings safer.
Boarded fire protection systems are highly durable and water-resistant in most cases so that they can survive leaks and sprinkler systems in the event of a fire.
They are a tried and tested system of fire defence, which is why they are so primarily trusted by those in the construction industry.
One of the other reasons boarded systems are so popular is because most of them are compatible with plaster and paint.
Your building can have high aesthetic standards with minimal extra preparation – ideal for residential and commercial construction projects, where looks are important.
How do boarded fire protection systems work?
In a boarded fire protection system, the fire-resistant boards completely encase the structural steel, providing an extra layer of protection from high temperatures.
When steel reaches a critical temperature, usually between 650° and 750°, it can lose its structural integrity, affecting its load-bearing capacity. A building risks collapsing under its steel, with potentially fatal consequences.
A boarded fire protection system can provide up to 240 minutes of extra time before the structural steel reaches its critical temperature, helping save lives and enabling firefighters to complete evacuation procedures.
Another option is an intumescent board system. These boards have a chemical reaction at high temperatures, causing them to expand. This provides a thick coating to the structural steel, making it more fire resistant.
Experienced specialists who understand the procedure must install boarded fire protection systems to assure the integrity of the boarding.
Get in touch
Please contact us if you’re interested in installing a boarded system on your construction project. We will be happy to make your building safer.