Fire Compounds

Fire Compounds

Fire compounds play an important passive role in preventing the spread of fire and smoke around penetrations in walls and floors. These compounds are made from a specially formulated gypsum-based mortar that fills gaps and is suitable for most floor and wall service penetrations including vertical penetrations.

Fire compounds typically provide up to 240 minutes of fire and smoke protection. They also have excellent acoustic and thermal properties and are load-bearing, being able to support foot traffic after 72-hours of drying time.


Fire compounds are made up on-site. The gypsum-based mortar is mixed with water and trowelled into place. In floors, a permanent shutter panel is used. Once fully cured, fire compounds are set and ready to go. They require no maintenance.

The fire rating for fire compounds depends on the thickness of the compound. It is applied in standard thicknesses of 75mm or 100mm. These offer 1-2 hours and 3-6 hours of fire resistance, respectively. We only use the best compounds.